To the Memory of             Luka Randić




This are isnerts from letters and mails about Luka.

  • I can't think about Luka and the Grange without thinking of us at 17! Here are a few of the things I remember best...
        Laughing in the sunshine - all my memories of Luka in the Grange involve sunshine (even though it was probably raining a lot of the time!) - and most of them involve his inimitable laugh, which will stay with me to the end.
      Trying to understand the world - there were some serious conversations too, Luka was always fascinated by the way things worked and the future.
    Sharing teenage schemes - we spent a lot of time talking about travelling the world, and about all the things we would see - even though we were stuck in Lewes and had to be back at school on Monday! Eventually, of course, we did go on the road - and saw a lot of western europe together.

    I hope that helps, below are a few more thoughts about Luka's personality.
      A serene character - Luka was the most easy-going guy I knew - I think I saw him get angry once, and even then he calmed down pretty quickly!
      An optimist - Luka always found a positive side to the situation.
      An endearingly childish sense of humour - with an endearingly childish laugh to match.
      Someone fascinated by the world around him, who wanted to help its people. That's why he chose the career he did, why he excelled at it, and why he was planning his trip to Africa.. I remember Luka talking about becoming a doctor from early on - so it's nice to know he was doing what he always wanted.
      A rationalist - when I knew Luka best he believed in knowledge and science, not religion and magic. I don't think that changed much.

    I'm sure the rest of Luka's friends will have plenty to add, and I hope they say many of the same things - especially about sunshine and laughter in the Grange - that's the image of Luka that always comes to me first when I think of him. 


  •    .... , I’ve put together a few thoughts about Luka which might be helpful. As I said to you before, the thoughts that Chris raised in his email really do resonate with me, and so I haven’t repeated those points; the following thoughts are simply in addition to those. And whilst these are mainly professional in nature (with the obituary in mind), there are some personal reflections too.
    Luka was kind, warm-hearted and humane. These qualities are the ones which seem to come through as a common thread from his other friends and colleagues too. Combined with hard work, determination and natural talent it is clearly obvious how much of an impact Luka had already made – and would have continued to make – in emergency medicine, to improving peoples’ lives and relieving their suffering.
      Luka was very much his own man. He had an instinctive ability to see the right and wrong in whatever he was confronted with; he employed reason, knowledge and science to inform his decisions, rather than prejudice and suspicion. He wanted to discover facts and experiences for himself, to make up his own mind, and to learn and experience for himself the things he thought he knew or had been told in school. This later transposed into a love for travel and skiing, but also the trip to Africa he had begun planning as a doctor. Perhaps as a result of these characteristics, Luka appeared to be very comfortable within himself (I’ve always thought this is one of the simplest, yet often most difficult, qualities to achieve).
      Luka was hard working and conscientious whilst still appearing to be laid back, rarely giving the impression he was ever under stress. Whenever confronted with heavy workloads, I admired the way Luka just got his head down and got on with things without making a song and dance about it. Excellence seemed to come naturally to Luka but in an understated and almost effortless way. He was admirably modest about his talent and his achievements, which in the end always spoke for themselves.
      Luka was disarming and approachable, due in most part to his easy-going nature and his calmness and serenity around people. It was easy to feel comfortable around him. He always seemed to see the glass at least half-full and, ever the optimist worked to convince people things were better than they seemed. Clearly it was these characteristics which made him an excellent doctor, someone people felt comfortable with, and reassured by; in short, a safe pair of hands.
      He made friends easily, quickly and above all, quietly – he didn’t need to employ any showboating or other displays to win people over – he relied simply on his benevolent nature and the strength of his character to win people over. He was an instant hit and befriended people (and was befriended) easily. (At school I thought his background and coming to a school in a different country, different language etc might have made this more difficult, but on reflection now I think maybe this made it easier).
      Luka loved being active, living new experiences and doing things outdoors. Most of my early memories of this were forged through our time swimming competitively together for Lewes Swimming Club in our early teens. What struck me was that whilst he certainly wasn’t the most competitive person there (it didn’t seem to be in his nature), he was an effortlessly strong swimmer and he always seemed to ensure he won more than his fair share of races, and that was despite his asthma!
      All best wishes


  • Luka was also part of our family for the best part of a decade, and I watched from the wings as he progressed through medical school and up the career ladder in his chosen profession. I am sure he was a very good doctor despite his youthful years, and that he would have become an even better one in time. I was grateful for the support and encouragement he gave Helen. She seemed to gain in confidence in his presence. And he always made me feel welcome on my visits to Manchester . I also admired him for his good-humoured acceptance of our idiosyncrasies. My English family takes some getting used to, and he seemed to cope with us with ease – even en masse. He was there during the good times as well as the not-so-good ones – my parents’ illness and deaths, and the family weekends thereafter.
    We enjoyed holidays together, too, in Italy and the Far East . He fitted in with our suggestions and plans. He uncomplainingly carried the lion’s share of the luggage at airports and our bits and pieces in his rucksack during sightseeing trips round China , Cambodia , Laos and Thailand . Not everyone would have been so patient.
    He joined in the family routine here in Munich , as well: he had many friends among my friends and family on this side of the North Sea , whom he met at Christmas and New Year, during birthday celebrations as well as on other occasions. They all appreciated his thoughtfulness, his sense of humour, his modesty and his interest in other people’s lives.
    We all continue to share in the sense of loss at his tragic death. He leaves a big hole in our lives too. We feel privileged to have known him.
    With love


  • My name is Ayan and it is with utter disbelief and sadness that i came to know of the tragic demise of Luka so many months after it happened.
    I feel really bad as i found it through a link on this website today and have been too stunned for words. I send my condolences to you and his family and friends and pray for his soul to rest in peace.
    I knew Luka from the times we joined the anaesthetic rotation in manchester. We were two EM-CCM-research enthusiasts who had squeezed into the rotation in search of anaesthesia experience. Many a weekly didactic at Hope hospital and ICS meetings were spent discussing the best ways to make inroads into getting an SpR number in the specialties. I left Manchester in aug 2007 to move to the United States and was very pleased that he was doing so well. I felt i had a great connection with him and despite being on the other side of the pond hoped to meet and share our experiences in the days to come. I feel a big void has been left and a diamond of a physician and a stellar of a bloke has been snatched from amongst our midst by God's cruel hands.
    I will forever remember Luka as i move on in my career in EM-CCM in the US and cherish the fond memories of times spent with him in manchester.
    My wishes and regards to you,


  • Kada stignete kući nakon 4 tjedna sa puno obreda, obaveza i formalnosti, nastupit će jedna velika praznina. Izgubiti voljenu osobu boli neopisivo i nemogu se naći prave rijeći utjehe.
    Zato želim pisati o luki kako ga mi znamo. Imali smo sreću upoznati ga kao "balavog klinca" koji je bio zavidno poslušan, vrijedan i samostalan za svoju dob. Rado smo dolazili k vama s Tanjom i uz toplu peć i kolaće prićali s Lukom o školi, plivanju i drugim okupacijama. Naše zajednićke skijaške avanture po Sloveniji i Českij ostaju nezaboravne.
    Veselilo nas je kada je Luka bio kod nas u posijeti i u Tuberingenu ućio njemaćki. Već kod svog prvog susreta sa medicinom za vrijeme "prakse" u Diunlselsbileu? bio je omiljen kod pacijenata i osoblja i pokazao svoju sklonost za taj poziv. Luka je bio jedna sretna osoba koja je mogla birati studije u Hrvatskoj, Engleskoj ili Americi. Odlućio se za Englesku i preko njegovih prijatelja i kolega nastavit će se njegova misija.
    Unatoć napornom zvanju Luka nije zanemarivao roditelje, rodbinu i prijatelje. Ljubav koju ste vi darovali prenosio je dalje i dijelio sa voljenim osobama.
    Iznenadni odlazak onemogućava da kažemo jos toliko malih stvari koje bi željeli voljenoj osobi jos reći ... Voljena i draga osoba koja fizićki nije vise tu, ostaje dalje vijećno s nama u nasim mislima. Luka nebi želio da nas vidi sada skrhane, zalosne i nesretne.
    Znam da moje pisanje nemože nadomjestiti prazninu koja je ostala nakon Lukina iznenadnig odlaska. Ali mi dijelimo bol s vama, pamtićemo Luku kao izvanredno dragu i skromnu osobu, a vama nudimo spremno pomoć gdje je trebate.
    Puno snage u teškim trenucima žele vam
    Vasi Anćica i Ivica


  • I've lost my word when I read your message, and then happy memories in Sussex, such your home, an conversations and Luka's face have come up to me. Once I tried to teach him Japanese in your home.
    I feel so sorry to hear the news. He was so young and a promissing doctor. What I remember about Luka is he was studyng foreign laguages, German and French on thre table &, talking with you in Slave language. He played waterball(?) and swam to treat asthma. He was shy and modest boy.
    Though the accident has taken Luka's life, he is still alive in my memory.


      Placed   2008 & 2019 by   Žiža and Mirko